Friday, June 29, 2007

Summer Reading, Submissions, Mailing

On the fiction side of things, we've just about gotten through our submissions (though Regan has a few packets of as-of-yet unread stories that she took with her on vacation to read through). We're at the stage now where Nat and I are passing around a lot of the stories that made it through the initial stages of review. These are stories that have caught our eye for one reason or another, and so we're reading them again and again to see what we think.

I saw that Wade is starting to get into the poems from March and April. So he's working hard to get those read as well.

So far, we've accepted one story that we're really happy with and we're about to accept another probably later today. These are stories that we absolutely had to have, that we were really moved by, and we can't wait to print them.

A quick note: we're not currently reading new stories. In other words, stories that come into us over the summer, we'll have to return unread (if they have enough postage) or we'll have to send a note asking the author to resubmit when our reading period reopens in the Fall. I know some journals take in submissions year round, but I think this little breathing period is important for us; we have a small staff, and we do a lot of catching up over the summer.

Nat's currently working to get the mailing taken care of (the Fall issue we just printed), and we're looking at possibly getting the issue into some local bookstores, so we'll see how that goes.

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