Thursday, May 3, 2007

Weekend Conference

This Saturday I'll be heading to the Writer's Center at Bethesda to represent Phoebe at the Conversations and Connections conference along with other area journals, authors, publishers, etc. While we were at AWP, both the folks at Barrelhouse and the editors of Potomac Review invited us to come along and take part, but we sort of never did anything about it. Well, I finally got in touch with Dave at Barrelhouse, and he was able to find a spot for me on the Submissions panel along with some other great editors.

Anyhow, it's a day long conference with a few big speakers, a speed-editing session during lunch, and a series of panels through the evening. It should be a good experience to hear what other editors say about their journals and their reading/publishing process; hopefully, I'll learn some things that'll help us improve how we work around here. I've already got a few ideas.

Update on that to follow next week probably.

In other news, we just received our proofs for the fall issue of the journal and we've approved them; now it's up to the printers to do their thing. We're still reading through all the submissions we have (we stopped taking new ones April 15th), but it's sort of slowed down a little since everyone is busy with end-of-semester work. But we're doing as much as we can and we hope to respond as soon as possible to everyone who still has work with us.

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